Terms and Conditions

  1. 本人知悉華僑銀行(澳門)股份有限公司(「本行」)將使用本人於此網上表格提供之個人資料,以用作登記旅遊保險之用途。
    I note that OCBC Bank (Macau) Limited (“The Bank”) will use my personal information provided by me in this online form for processing on the travel insurance registration.

  2. 本人確認於此網上表格提供之資料全屬真實、準確及完整。
    I confirm that all information provided in this online form is true, accurate and complete.

  3. 本人已閱讀、明白並同意下列之條款及細則。
    I have read, understood and agreed to below Terms and Conditions.
  4. 本條款及細則的中、英文版本如有任何歧異,一概以中文版本為準。
    The Chinese version shall prevail if there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions.


I have read and understood the terms and conditions.