Note: You are leaving our website

When you click the “Agree” button below, you will leave the website of OCBC Bank (Macau) Limited (the “Bank”, “we” or “our”) and go to the designated webpage in the website of the third-party service provider (Go Out Mall) appointed by the Bank to provide the online registration service platform for 2024 OCBC Macau Charity Family Cycle Parade.

By registering, uploading your personal data, photos or other images and clicking the “Agree” button for the 2024 OCBC Macau Charity Family Cycle Parade on the designated webpage of the third-party service provider, you confirm to us that you have read, understood and accepted our Privacy Policy & Personal Information Collection Statement.

When you enter your personal data, upload photos and/or other images to the website of the third-party service provider, you are sending them to the location of such website in a jurisdiction outside the Macau Special Administrative Region (“Macau”), where such jurisdiction may not have any data protection laws or may have such laws less stringent than those of Macau.

By clicking the “Agree” button below, you agree to provide the third-party service provider above with the photos and/or other images and information uploaded and entered by you. You also authorize us and such third-party service provider to collect, hold, use and process such images and information for the purpose of providing services to you within and outside Macau.

Before accessing the website of such third-party service provider, you must observe the terms of use relating to hyperlink policy and the relevant rules and conditions stipulated in the Disclaimer set out on the Bank’s website as well as those set out by the website of the third-party service provider.

Without prejudice to the terms of our Disclaimer, when you are referred or directed to the website of the third-party service provider, we do not endorse or warrant, and expressly disclaim any liability for, the content, products or services offered of such website, its operation or connection to your computer, its security and privacy policy and code of conduct and any possible consequences of visiting such website. Nothing in the foregoing limits or excludes liability where that such limitation or exclusion is inconsistent with Macau laws or regulations.

By clicking the “Agree” button below, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to all of the above. Otherwise, please click “Cancel” to leave.